– Appropriate requests for funding include, but are not limited to, field trips, guest presenters, enhancement programs/ opportunities, student leadership programs, and scholarships within the district.
– The Foundation generally does not make grants for capital expenditures, salaries or staff development, or expenses mandated by state or federal authorities which are rightfully the responsibility of the local school district.
– The Foundation’s policy is to join with other resources in meeting funding needs; it grants up to 35% of the total cost of a qualifying project. If the total cost of a qualifying project is under $500, full funding may be possible. (See also “Dare to Dream” grant” for its variant funding rules.)
– Requests must be received in the Foundation office by the 10th of the month to be considered that month. The board meets on the third (3rd) Wednesday each month.
– The applicant’s appropriate supervisor must sign off on the grant application.
– Program support should not be presumed from year to year. Merits of repeat requests will be weighed against previously unfunded programs and funds available for granting. Each request is individually evaluated.
– Please call our office at 507.494.1004 if you have questions regarding the application procedure.